LSD was firstly synthesized by Albert Hofmann in 1943, and firstly experimented by himself in 19 April 1949 naming it "My Problem Child". Just about 50μg (micrograms)of this substance can take you thru a spiritual vortex of your personal Interscope, these effects are usually felt within 20 to 90 minutes and can last 6 to 15 hours, recently this substance has been used as a tool to help depression and anxiety, historically it has been used by different artists and musicians as an inspiration.
Just like Humanity, art can be abstract and truly fascinating, the abstract may often be seen as a bridge to the unknown, somewhere where the fractals of our memory are only existent, somewhere where our ancestries are raised thru tribalistic manners and chants, our fears and eagers are represented by shark-like creatures, and our happy memories followed by smiles and a self-retrospective of equilibrium to generate a better version of ourselves upon the eyes that are constantly watching us. Leading to the question of whether we are not just a single drop in a deep endless blue ocean with violet and green reflection of the unknown itself.