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Expand Your Favourite Experience With Our Dust Masks & Neck Warmers

Riders, floaters, surfers and dancers!

Whether you love spending your time on your bike, snowboard, surfboard, skateboard or within the fabulous festival life you might have your very own suitcase of useful tools ready.
Masks have been used for ages in order to protect your neck and face from dust, the sun, the cold and wind.
Lots of them are 100% synthetic products and cover your pores, you start sweating and the benefit is turned into an unpleasant experience.
With our special mix of material adjusted to the user's needs the feeling becomes completely different. The stretchy fabric protects your skin like a second layer and is created for a natural breathing behaviour.
Many report they got addicted instantly and never want to take it off again. Just make sure to take your mask off when entering banks!
  • Extremely Detailed Prints On A Durable Skin-Friendly Material Mix
  • 92% Cotton + 8% Elastin
  • Glows In The Dark & In UV Light
  • Stretches In All Four Directions
  • Unique Visionary Art Designs Made In Trance (Goa & Ibiza)
  • Fast International Tracked Shipping (Deutsche Post)


Expand Your Favourite Experience!

Browse All Dust Masks & Neck Warmers

If you love being outdoors also check out our drawstring bags made of cotton:


Browse All Drawstring Bags

Have a fantastic 2020!

Symbolika - made in trance

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